Click here to find lesson notes, answer keys and other useful stuff.

Math 9

Math 11 Foundations 

6.1 Handout graphs

Pre-Calculus 11

Project due March 10th

Mathématiques 8 / Math 8

p.338 # 6-16

feuille de 9.2/ handout on 9.2

p. 357#9ab, 10bc, 12, 14, 15, 17, 19

Quiz jeudi/Monday Ch 9

feuille des equations avec les diagrammes/solving equations with diagrams handout

solutions algebriques/ algebraic solutions

equations- trois methodes- quiz mercredi/equations practice- quiz Thursday

p. 386 # 14, 15  p. 392 # 13, 14, 16  p. 398 # 11, 13, 16

Ch 9/10 test le 2 avril/ March 3

AP Statistics

Ch 5/6 test Monday January 20th!!!

To prep for Jan 28th, read and make notes on section 7.1- all new vocab terms and their uses.  We will do activities using the ideas from this section on the 28th.

p. 436 #3, 7, 9, 13, 21-24

Unit 5 AP MC and FRQ


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